The Raj Indian St Helens

  • Delivery time 45 min

Menu The Raj Indian St Helens

The takeaway menu of Raj Indian, an Indian takeaway in St Helens, helps you to know the type of food and drinks available at our takeaway restaurant. It can also help you in future while planning an order for your guests on some occasion from us. When you will open our menu you will find some sets of the meal and few appetizers including Meal Set for 1 or 2 as well as Spicy Poppadom and Onion Chutney etc. so that you can choose some of them to make your treat more interesting for your friends. Reshmi Kebab Starter, Chicken Tikka Starter, and Tandoori Wings Starter etc. are some of the regular and tandoori starters from which you can choose from the following section of our menu. Then you can find some of the dishes of Raj Specialities along with some of the Masala dishes on our menu to select some for your family and friends. the next section of our menu offers some of the dishes recommended by our chef such as Akhni Murghi, Chicken Tika Pathia, and Shashlik Karahi Chicken etc. followed by Balti dishes to shortlist some of them for your special occasion. In the following sections of our menu, you can select some of the dishes from our House Specials, Curry Dishes, and Biryani Dishes to make your order more interesting for your guests. We also offer various types of Vegetable side dishes, breads and rice dishes for you to select some as per your choice. The English dishes, snacks and sundry items offered in our menu can also help in giving a new shape to your next order. At the end of our menu, we offer few options for desserts and drinks to complete your order in a pleasant mood.

About The Raj Indian St Helens

Raj Indian is an Indian takeaway in St Helens which is gaining popularity since its opening in this city. The name and fame we are enjoying today are based on the hard work we have done from the very beginning of our takeaway restaurant. We have researched widely to find the genuine sources to supply us best and freshest raw materials and cooking methods to prepare our dishes. We have also accepted orders online to facilitate our customers. Now to make order lacing easier we have launched our apps through Google Play and App Store. Now they can place their orders from where they are just by downloading our apps on their mobile phones or laptops.

Restaurant location The Raj Indian St Helens

Finding Raj Indian, an Indian takeaway, in St Helens was never difficult for the people who have laced their orders online because it is situated at 7 Elephant Lane, Thatto Heath, St Helens WA9 5QQ which is one of the most important location of this city. Its increasing popularity has also made it easier to reach us as local residents can guide you if you are finding it difficult even after reaching near us. If you are using your own vehicle to collect the delivery of your takeaway order then you can use Google maps to reach us comfortably.

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